Monday, 26 March 2018

Day 10 - Las Cruces Biological Station

This morning we birded the grounds and some of the trails of Las Cruces Biological Station and we quickly got some good new birds.

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After lunch we visited a small wetland with the target a localised warbler fond of wetland habitats; sadly the bird was reluctant to show. I got a brief view of the warbler in flight before it again crashed into the long grass but the views were unconvincing to say the least. We visited the wetland twice in the afternoon and each visit offered a different perspective.
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The first visit showed us Southern Lapwings and Smooth billed Anis, Pale breasted Spinetails, Lesser Elaenia and a Mourning Warbler.
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The second, from a different vantage offered some more new species for our trip; Black bellied Whistling Duck, Green Heron, Purple Gallinule plus a few repeats - Northern Jacana, Little Blue Heron, Common Gallinule [Moorhen].

1 comment:

A Day in LA - the way home....

Unofficial Bird of the Day [an addition to my North America list] - Elegant Tern Six of us had a day birding around the LA area. The ...